Thursday 31 May 2012



Everyone has a doctor in him or her; we just have to help it in its work. The natural healing force within each one of us is the greatest force in getting well. Our food should be our medicine. Our medicine should be our food.
-Hippocrates: The father of medicine.

The American Dietetic Association and Dietitians of Canada said in 2003 that properly planned vegan diets were nutritionally adequate for all stages of life, including pregnancy and lactation, and provided health benefits in the treatment and prevention of certain diseases.

It is time for us to awaken; feel with our hearts and listen to our Souls. One of the most self-empowering, compassionate, and environmentally sound actions we can take to raise our vibration mentally, emotionally, physically, and spiritually, is to no longer create and consume the trauma of other sentient beings.
Mother Nature is telling us that we are Vegan Beings (Plant-Based Diet) - epidemic levels of disease and environmental destruction! At this point of our evolution, humans are biologically Herbivore/Frugivore:

Between MEAT ANALOGUES, VEGAN, Vegan RAW FOOD GLOBAL MOVEMENTS and the FOOD REPLICATORS which will be introduced in our world VERY SOON, this world will put a LONG DUE end to the ANIMAL and PLANETARY HOLOCAUST.  Humans will at last start to heal their minds, souls and bodies.

And the business is booming: it has expanded from just one shop, when it opened late in 2010, to selling in 180 Netherlands outlets, with 500 supermarkets joining this summer and international distribution underway.
is meat in the 21st century destined to go the same was as fur, where faux becomes the mainstream version?
The global 'meat analogue' industry, as it is rather unappetisingly known, is competitive: three in five adults now eat meat-free food
 part of a market that increased by 18 per cent between 2005 and 2010. And the US, home of the unsexily-named but pioneering Tofurky, a roastable, kosher wheat protein/organic soya concoction, is way ahead of the UK: there, 110 new imitation animal products have hit shelves since 2010.

GUILT-FREE chicken

Actually the script roddenberry wrote was: "We no longer enslave animals for food" My point is that, there are lots of people out there that find this change extremely difficult, and they already know, they don't need a guilt trip, so much as a wake up call.

The Dietary Requirements of a Star Fleet Officer

RUMOUR GOES that FOOD REPLICATORS are coming soon in our world

Food Replicator

why vegan captain kirk

"Vegan Revolution" story on CNN - 6/11/08

Bill Gates & the future of eating animals

In honor of today’s Meatout, NPR’s The Salt blog got all excited over the rise in vegan meat analogues. According to the Global New Products Database, “110 new meat substitute products were introduced in 2010 and 2011,” and in 2011, sales of frozen meat substitutes hit $267 million.

The meat substitute industry also seems to have figured this out. One way companies have innovated is by improving the texture of veggie burgers and other fake meat products to more closely mimic the chewiness of meat. Companies like Garden Protein International rely mainly on soy protein and wheat gluten as well as grain flours to recreate the density of flesh.
"Meatless products used to be either too gummy or too chewy," says Weber. "Now they're a lot closer to the meat they're replacing."
The growing success of meatless products isn't lost on the traditional meat industry. In an article earlier this month on the site, one writer called some of the new "meat analog products ... impressive."

Several mainstream health advocacy organizations, including the American Cancer Society, the National Cancer Institute, Johns Hopkins University, and the American Heart Association, have since launched their own campaigns to promote consumption of plant-based foods.
Meatout reflects national trends:
Mainstream health advocacy organizations and the official government publication "Dietary Guidelines for Americans" tout plant-based foods.
Over 30 million Americans have explored a meat-free diet.
One in five teens thinks vegetarianism is "cool."
National beef and veal consumption have dropped by 25 and 70%, respectively.
Major manufacturers and retailers are marketing meat-free and dairy-free meals.
Several national fast food chains are offering veggie burgers and several major baseball parks are selling veggie dogs.

A New Egg-Free “Egg” is Hatched: The Vegg!


Fabulous Veggie Burgers!

Burgers in Paradise

Animal Intelligence and Consciousness

Animal Intelligence and Consciousness

"The soul is the same in all living creatures, although the body of each is different "- --Hippocrates

"If any kid ever realized what was involved in factory farming they would never touch meat again. I was so moved by the intelligence, sense of fun and personalities of the animals I worked with on Babe that by the end of the film I was a vegetarian."
--James Cromwell
Babe (1/9) Movie CLIP - Babe's New Beginning (1995) HD

 The Picture that is changing the world

Joe Bucks: "And suddenly the bull looked at me. With the innocence of all animals in his eyes, but also with a supplication. It was the inexplicable injustice complaint, the appeal against the unnecessary cruelty"
From: Fabian Gonzalez Oconitrillo
Share this picture please ... "And suddenly the bull looked at me. With the innocence of all animals in his eyes, but also with a supplication. It was... the inexplicable unfairness complaint against the appeal against the unnecessary cruelty "
this time I took pity on me and I felt the worst junk in the world.
STOP THE BULL !!!!!!!! TORERO Palabé WERE THE ANIMAL TO SEE THAT took pity on him and begged him to do the same for THE !!!!.... stronger than the image of God, xq countries enjoy the suffering of others !!!??

this amazing soul in bull body  could've ripped apart in million pieces this poor soul in human body...YET, here he is, looking at him, even TRYING TO SOOTH HIM!! It doesn't get any more DIVINE than this! this is the SPANISH people KARMIC MISSION to end what... they have supported for too long! Humans are deeply indebted to the ENTIRE animal kingdom! May ALL beings be free, healed and happy!

humanity is FINALY coming out of its LONG amnesia and soul numbness...this picture breaks my heart and makes me cry yet AGAIN feeling the PURITY of such powerful beings who almost never lowered their Divine Sentience to deal with human perpetrators at THEIR regressed spiritual level...

even in their immense suffering, THESE MAJESTIC BEINGS know how to teach us lessons...treating their intelligent oppressors with HEART, SOUL AND DIGNITY, more than we can ever imagine is possible :( CHRIST lives IN THEM more than in most people...their exemplary behavior speaks volumes and more than any modified scriptural books...

no matter how much we'd cry, nothing can come even close to the suffering these children of the same God, in animal forms have endured and still are, at our "humane" hands...may they FOREVER be blessed, healed and shielded from further harm (((♥))) and to those who believe they are SUPERIOR to animals, look long at this picture, place (mentally) in this BEING's situation for a moment and ask yourself WHAT would YOU have done in HIS (THE BULL'S ) SITUATION?

How shocking, the victim soothing the predator with the arrows piercing through his body L how much humanity has yet to learn from these gentle giants and all other animals…this is an extremely high vibrational photo with immense power to transform consciousness in mankind in powerful ways.

THANK YOU to the amazing bull who is teaching humanity TRUE compassion, WISDOM and PUREST form of DIVINE LOVE and FORGIVENESS, I will never get over this story.
Let us not forget ALL other animals who are teaching us so much through their forgiveness of the abuse endured in human hands WITHOUT retaliating…when most humanity would’ve never stand to such forms of abuse without fighting back… a very sad but true story. THANK YOU to this Earth Human Angel who has saved Fadjen and all other animals and for his amazing activism to make this murder sport history ♥

with the blood$ they've made from destroying these souls, the matadors  should put it to karmic good use, team up, abandon this "blood sport" and buy up land where they could free and HEAL the imprisoned and traumatized bulls...

picture posted on Facebook by:
De: Fabian Oconitrillo Gonzalez
Comparte esta imagen por favor..."Y de repente e...l toro miró hacia mí. Con la inocencia de todos los animales reflejada en los ojos, pero también con una imploración. Era la querella contra la injusticia inexplicable, la súplica frente a la innecesaria crueldad"
esta vez el me tuvo pìedad a mi y me senti la peor basura del mundo.
BASTA DE CORRIDAS!!!!!!!! FUERON LAS PALABARAS DEL TORERO AL VER QUE EL ANIMAL TUVO PIEDAD DE EL Y LE SUPLICABA QUE HICIERA LO MISMO POR EL!!!!....que imagen mas fuerte por Dios, xq paises disfrutan del sufrimiento ajeno!!!??

 This Week’s Video

This gentle giant was saved from being forced to participate in the barbaric bull-fighting practice. Now, he lives in peace with someone who recognizes that these animals are not brute machines or commodities, but gentle, sensitive and intelligent creatures. This bull is now a companion... not entertainment and certainly not food. Please visit


May compassion and love reign over all the earth for all farmed animals ― Dear ducks, geese, turkeys, chickens; cows, pigs, lambs, bison, elk, deer, and all of you who are suffering today in tiny cages or crowded into feedlots, being beaten, fed poisoned and unnatural food, and for those of you languishing without water or food on trucks or entering the slaughterhouses.

We bear witness to your suffering, we take action to permanently end it, and we continually send out an energy field of love and compassion to comfort you and to transform the hearts and souls of those who support this violent oppression.

We send our tears and our prayers on wings of love to you. Compassion encircles the earth for each of you and for all beings.

~ Judy Carman

Christian Vegetarian Association

With eternal LOVE and GRATITUDE to  Fadjen and all of the other abused gentle giants bulls for all the physical emotional and mental trauma they have suffered at human hands and for the Divine wisdom they are teaching humanity through living example and to the Human Angels who are true earth guardians. Watching a corrida from outer space, ET's must ponder and wonder WHO is the intelligent, wise and kind of BOTH these beings? And it ripples in endless ways for endless other sentient beings in endless other areas of our lives. The slaughterhouses and animal farms for our “food”, shoes, clothing and furniture…the zoos, marine parks, working animals, circuses, pet stores, lab experiments, the rain forest birds kept in tiny city cages, the hunted ones and many others!  May your hearts and souls be forever healed, at peace, free and happy!

Fadjen - Pablo Knudsen – 2011

 The Universal GOLDEN RULES, created to be respected by ALL beings towards ALL beings!
 Thou shall not steal, thou shall not kill, thou shall not exploit, thou shall not lie, thou shall not bear false witness, thou shall not desecrate the body, thou shall not hate, thou shall not harm, thou shall not be greedy, thou shall not invade the privacy of others. Thou shall not worship money or false idols, Blessed r those who hunger and thirst for righteousness, they shall see the kingdom. Do not be mislead into mistakes. Have fortitude, discipline and a clear mind.

It is incredible that so many spiritual people on individual, planetary and healing paths are STILL consuming other beings bodies, who suffered terrible lives and deaths, still being immersed in the age old dogmatic idea that there is nothing wrong with that.

Animal Consciousness

Animals and Consciousness

All Are One (Including The Animals) ( Max Igan)

Animal consciousness.wmv

Do Animals Know Right from Wrong? New Clues Point to 'Yes' LiveScience Animals Messenger TALE of TRUTH and PURPOSE Second Nature: The Inner Lives of Animals

CHRIST CONSCIOUSNESS present in ALL Earth Beings

Animal Morality: 6 Amazing Videos | Moral Behavior In the Animal World | Life's Little Mysteries

介助犬の遺言2/2 中文翻 English Subtitles  (get plenty of tissue!!)

playing ball....

New Study Confirms Rats Have Empathy (But Do We?)

Kandu - Amazing Two Legged Dog – YouTube

Manuela - Man in the rain
the deep spiritual connection between man and sentient animals reflected
through sound and sight
celebrating the Divine beauty and Love between ALL God's children

and, from the same brilliant video producer:
Traieste cu Iubire - Lives with Love -RO-ENG 2011

Chicken police (astounding)

The Mind And Soul Of The Animals | The Spirit of Animals | The Spirit Of Animals

The Energy System Of Animals | The Spirit of Animals | The Spirit Of Animals

To stop the atrocities, we must awaken from the absurd belief that animals are insentient, trivial, soulless property objects and challenge our religious institutions to extend ethical protection to animals.

This of course will mean challenging the meals at the center of social and religious life and the atrocities “hidden in plain sight” within those meals.

May all beings be free and at peace,  Will Tuttle

DOLPHINS, WHALES and their SPIRITUAL purpose on our planet

10 hero animals

Loyal Dog Won't Leave Injured Friend Behind - HELP JAPAN'S LOST & INJURED TSUNAMI PETS 

Wonderful story: "Scamp, a former stray dog, saved the lives of six kittens that were trapped inside a cardboard box in the middle of the garbage in a square in Brazil. On hearing the mewing of the kittens, Scamp broke the box, pulled them out one by one and took them home. Having already experienced abandonment and a difficult life on the street, the rogue took them with him with the certainty that they would be saved in the same way he was saved one day”

Thanks to Contra el Maltrato Animal 

"Animals are reliable, many full of love, true in their affections, predictable... in their actions, grateful and loyal. Difficult standards for people to live up to." - Alfred A. Montapert

BBC Super Smart Animals Part 1/2 

Cesar Millan with Eckhart Tolle - Part 1 of 3 

Cow Proves Animals Love, Think, Act & Feel | Consciousness TV

Deer beats the S**T out of a hunter!!! Haha - Deer 1 / Hunter 0 

MUST WATCH: A Lioness Adopts a baby antelope. A short documentary that will open your eyes. 

Abraham Hicks - Animal Teachers 

We stand for Unity Consciousness, recognizing the role of the animals as spiritual teachers bringing opportunities for us to practice compassion towards one another and all life forms, and thus facilitate personal and global healing!

All You Need Is Love . . . thank you Zemira for sharing this beautiful little one with us
What if you found out that all you knew in life was not as it seemed? That the there was so much magic on this earth that you had not tapped into yet? That you are living a limited potential when you are indeed potentially limitless. Come seek, find and discover with us. Learn the language of feeling through your heart... aka mental telepathy . . . or animal communication - It is the way everything on the Web of Life communicates. Come start a revolution in your heart - the whales and dolphins have so many messages to share with you. Please join Staci Housum and renowned author and communicator Mary J. Getten and one special orca by the name of Granny as they share with the world the messages of the whales and dolphins and related information to reinforce our connection to the web of life within your heart. Please check out our elearning DVD and tap into the very CORE of your BEing here on Earth. Tap into your telepathic skills increasing your 6th senses and/or strengthening your existing intuitive abilities. For more information 

World's First Vegetarian Shark Prefers Heads of Lettuce

Why Vegan? Lessons From An Animal Scientist 

 Pleiadian Keys to the Living Library: Part 4 (why animal extinction now, sacred plants, and more)