Thursday 31 May 2012



Everyone has a doctor in him or her; we just have to help it in its work. The natural healing force within each one of us is the greatest force in getting well. Our food should be our medicine. Our medicine should be our food.
-Hippocrates: The father of medicine.

The American Dietetic Association and Dietitians of Canada said in 2003 that properly planned vegan diets were nutritionally adequate for all stages of life, including pregnancy and lactation, and provided health benefits in the treatment and prevention of certain diseases.

It is time for us to awaken; feel with our hearts and listen to our Souls. One of the most self-empowering, compassionate, and environmentally sound actions we can take to raise our vibration mentally, emotionally, physically, and spiritually, is to no longer create and consume the trauma of other sentient beings.
Mother Nature is telling us that we are Vegan Beings (Plant-Based Diet) - epidemic levels of disease and environmental destruction! At this point of our evolution, humans are biologically Herbivore/Frugivore:

Between MEAT ANALOGUES, VEGAN, Vegan RAW FOOD GLOBAL MOVEMENTS and the FOOD REPLICATORS which will be introduced in our world VERY SOON, this world will put a LONG DUE end to the ANIMAL and PLANETARY HOLOCAUST.  Humans will at last start to heal their minds, souls and bodies.

And the business is booming: it has expanded from just one shop, when it opened late in 2010, to selling in 180 Netherlands outlets, with 500 supermarkets joining this summer and international distribution underway.
is meat in the 21st century destined to go the same was as fur, where faux becomes the mainstream version?
The global 'meat analogue' industry, as it is rather unappetisingly known, is competitive: three in five adults now eat meat-free food
 part of a market that increased by 18 per cent between 2005 and 2010. And the US, home of the unsexily-named but pioneering Tofurky, a roastable, kosher wheat protein/organic soya concoction, is way ahead of the UK: there, 110 new imitation animal products have hit shelves since 2010.

GUILT-FREE chicken

Actually the script roddenberry wrote was: "We no longer enslave animals for food" My point is that, there are lots of people out there that find this change extremely difficult, and they already know, they don't need a guilt trip, so much as a wake up call.

The Dietary Requirements of a Star Fleet Officer

RUMOUR GOES that FOOD REPLICATORS are coming soon in our world

Food Replicator

why vegan captain kirk

"Vegan Revolution" story on CNN - 6/11/08

Bill Gates & the future of eating animals

In honor of today’s Meatout, NPR’s The Salt blog got all excited over the rise in vegan meat analogues. According to the Global New Products Database, “110 new meat substitute products were introduced in 2010 and 2011,” and in 2011, sales of frozen meat substitutes hit $267 million.

The meat substitute industry also seems to have figured this out. One way companies have innovated is by improving the texture of veggie burgers and other fake meat products to more closely mimic the chewiness of meat. Companies like Garden Protein International rely mainly on soy protein and wheat gluten as well as grain flours to recreate the density of flesh.
"Meatless products used to be either too gummy or too chewy," says Weber. "Now they're a lot closer to the meat they're replacing."
The growing success of meatless products isn't lost on the traditional meat industry. In an article earlier this month on the site, one writer called some of the new "meat analog products ... impressive."

Several mainstream health advocacy organizations, including the American Cancer Society, the National Cancer Institute, Johns Hopkins University, and the American Heart Association, have since launched their own campaigns to promote consumption of plant-based foods.
Meatout reflects national trends:
Mainstream health advocacy organizations and the official government publication "Dietary Guidelines for Americans" tout plant-based foods.
Over 30 million Americans have explored a meat-free diet.
One in five teens thinks vegetarianism is "cool."
National beef and veal consumption have dropped by 25 and 70%, respectively.
Major manufacturers and retailers are marketing meat-free and dairy-free meals.
Several national fast food chains are offering veggie burgers and several major baseball parks are selling veggie dogs.

A New Egg-Free “Egg” is Hatched: The Vegg!


Fabulous Veggie Burgers!

Burgers in Paradise

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